Wildlife Watching in the Mount Evans area

Wildlife is best observed behaving naturally. Remember, this is their home, and they are always at work to survive.

Look for mule deer and elk in open meadows and valleys. Yellow bellied marmots often sun themselves upon rocks or near the roadway. Listen for their whistle (making them known as "whistle pigs"). Mountain forests are filled with the noisy territorial chatter of Chickaree squirrels (also known as red, pine or Douglas squirrels). Big horn sheep and mountain goats can be seen on the summit. Mountain goats have white shaggy fur, and black horns, while bighorn are buff colored and male sheep grow large horns that curl in a spiral with each year of life. Tiny rabbit like creatures known as  pika survive in the rockpiles found above treeline, and are busy building haypiles to survive the long winters. White tailed ptarmigan can occasionally be seen, along with brown capped rosy finch’s and water pipits that migrate to the tundra during the summer season.  Never feed wild animals and always watch them from a distance.