Mount Evans Wildflowers

Hardy, Yet Fragile
These plants survive in the harsh high altitudes using remarkable adaptations evolved over thousands of years. Within just a few short weeks they must develop new growth, chlorophyll, flower and prepare to reproduce. Look closely at these various plants…notice they stay small and compact in a tight clump; have hairy stems and leaves to trap heat and protect from windchill. Some of them have waxy coated protection; deep tap roots, and cup shaped flowers. Click on the links below to get more specific flower information for various ecosystems in the mountain environments. These flowers are hardy survivors, remember to take only pictures, and do your best not to leave footprints. Some of these species grow only an inch every hundred years. Alpine wildflowers have a variety of cold weather adaptations. The leaves of Alpine Avens contain anthocyanin, an antifreeze-like pigment that converts sunlight to heat. You will want to have a jacket on hand most days on the Mount Evans summit.