206. Watch for Wildlife at Brainard Lake Recreation Area

Yellow bellied marmot on rock.
Yellow bellied marmots survive winter in a state of torpor, and emerge in the spring to eat and grow fat throughout the summer.
Pika, a small mammal related to the hare, but with short ears.
Pika live in boulder fields and harvest grass into piles that they survive on through the winter months.
Moose in willows with full head of antlers.
Moose are a common site near the water near willow carrs.

The Brainard Lake Recreation Area is home to a wide array of wild creatures. Some of the most common are deer and moose. Venturing higher, hikers may encounter yellow-bellied marmots and pika. Bobcat, mountain lion, porcupine and bear also occur but are rarely seen. 

BE CAUTIOUS AROUND WILDLIFE ESPECIALLY MOOSE: The moose population inside the Brainard Lake Recreation Area and surrounding lands increases every year. Moose are large animals and can weigh up to 1,200 pounds. Moose can be aggressive. Observe them from a safe distance and move away should they approach. Moose can run at speeds exceeding 35 mph and often cross the road without looking. Drive with caution! Wolves and moose are natural enemies. Moose see dogs as wolves. They will go out of their way to attack a dog. Keep your pet confined when moose are present.

Wildlife Encounters